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Canon 5D Mark IV: Bang for your Bucks


Canon 5D Mark IV: Bang for your Bucks

November 04, 2016  |  by samys
Canon 5D Mark IV Bang for your bucks. Canon is just that, a lot of bang for your bucks. This is a great camera to add to your arsenal. [caption id="attachment_3394" align="alignnone" width="640"]ac8a1077b-dext-b-e-resize Credit: Ralph Elliott Starkweather[/caption] As digital cameras get more and more sophisticated and the sensors more refined, offering almost noiseless images at ridiculous ISOs and focusing abilities are improved, naturally, there is the increase in cost for all of this for the manufacturer. So, the increase in the investment the photographer will make to buy these new incredible cameras is sure to increase as well. When I get past the “Sticker Shock,” I remind myself that many friends of mine who have started a restaurant or other businesses invest several hundred times this much money and they are usually stuck in one location. So my conclusion is that, for a very small investment of about $ 3500, you are in business as a photographer. You can start shooting very high-end professional photographs and videos, whether they are portraits, weddings, sports, architectural, food, products, landscapes, Indie films etc, with the Canon 5D Mark IV and kit 24-105mm f/4 lens. [caption id="attachment_3395" align="alignnone" width="640"]ac8a0997bw-resize Credit: Ralph Elliott Starkweather[/caption] Yes, I understand there are many enthusiasts who are not professional photographers that want the best for their photography hobby and passion; so, why not take advantage of the quality this camera offers? First impression when picking up the camera: seriously, this DSLR body is this light? [caption id="attachment_3358" align="alignnone" width="640"]img_7204b_pp-resize Credit: Ralph Elliott Starkweather[/caption] It's just a bit heavier when you put on the 24-105 f/4 kit lens; but, it’s all about the balance and the feel and for me. I feel confident as a professional that I am using the best tool for the job(s). I had the original Canon 5D when I lived in Paris about a decade ago; and, this model has come a long way. Also, the sensor has been increased to 30.4 megapixel; meaning better dynamic range, faster more accurate focusing, dual pixel, improved weather sealing, touch screen LCD and a few other improvements that make this camera a real powerhouse. I have owned many brands and test all brands of cameras; and, Canon’s menu is very easy for me to navigate compared to many. So, many cameras out there with confusing menus, not to mention their confusing buttons. Canon buttons can be mastered in no time. Preview: easy. Change the ISO:simple. The focusing field: no worries. After a week with this camera, I did not have to look to change something; I knew immediately by intuition. Here the is the most important thing: I was able to shoot very quickly and capture what I was looking for with pleasing results. I could even shoot at very slow shutter speeds [caption id="attachment_3393" align="alignnone" width="640"]ac8a0662b-resize Credit: Ralph Elliott Starkweather[/caption] Here the is the most important thing: I was able to shoot very quickly and capture what I was looking for with pleasing results. I could even shoot at very slow shutter speeds hand-held with the help of the stabilized kit lens. I could stand in one place and plant my feet and I had the option of wide angle to a very useful 105mm. Oh yes, f/4 isn’t that too slow? We have been trained to feel that we need a heavy “Pap" 2.8 press lens for any event; but, f/4 is the new 2.8 with the ability to crank up the ISO and achieve the same ability to shoot in very, very low light. The background? Sure, it will be out of focus wide open at F/4. Not a bad tradeoff and easier on your back, not to mention less fatigue over the hours when photographing. One of the most important features of this camera is the 4K video capture. I dabble in video and love 4K; but, that is another review by a video person. Would I recommend this? Absolutely. [caption id="attachment_3396" align="alignnone" width="640"]ac8a1250b-resize Credit: Ralph Elliott Starkweather[/caption] If you are an aspiring newbie professional photographer and don’t have the dosh, I suggest asking your Uncle Bob for a short term small loan. You will pay him back in full in a very short time just using the 5D Mark IV with the 24-105mm f/4. And ,if you want maybe add a professional Canon flash, that is all you need. Canon - BANG! You are in business!!!  
November 04, 2016



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