When so many of us are shut-in our homes and crawling up the walls, one thing we can still do is be creative! Let us see your world, through your lens, as we discover your creative approach to photographing the Shut-In Life! Now is your chance to create an exciting, meaningful and perhaps humorous image that will narrate how you and yours are experiencing the shut-in life!
Entry Procedures:

- Send a Jpeg image that is less than 6MB to edu@samys.com with subject line of email: “My Shut-In Life Photo Contest”
- Maximum of three images per person allowed.
- No Watermark or Copyright on image or border
- 1st Prize: $1000 Samy’s Gift Card · 2nd Prize: $500 Samy’s Gift Card · 3rd Prize: $250 Samy’s Gift Card
- Submission deadline: April 25th, 2020