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The Nikon D3400 is Light & Simple to Use


The Nikon D3400 is Light & Simple to Use

October 07, 2016  |  by samys
First impression: Wow. The Nikon D3400 fits into my not-so-small shooting hand perfectly; not to mention, the camera is super light. It's a solid little camera that will eliminate all day camera carry fatigue on one’s next holiday around Rome, Paris or New York., or even in Kioukuk, Iowa. [caption id="attachment_3263" align="alignnone" width="500"]screen-shot-2016-10-07-at-11-34-42-am Source: Nikon USA[/caption] Furthermore, the D3400 is great for street photography because of its very small size. With its built-in flash, or if one is using the high ISO low light capability, one can document parties, weddings, and is very useful for portraits. Just the sharp kit lens is enough to tackle so many situations. Why complicate it?
Photography: Ralph Elliott Starkweather
On top of all these great features is the HD video worthy of an Indie project. To top it all off, the Snapbridge blue tooth can send all the images to your phone in either original high definition or a smaller 2-megabyte file for posting on social media or a quick email. This option is, hands down, far better quality than a phone snap and almost just as fast. Someone asked me the other day, "What camera would you recommend for a 12-year-old girl? I immediately returned their question with this answer: the new Nikon D3400 and kit lens. It's light, simple to use, and powerful without all those confusing bells and whistles other cameras seem obligated to include. KISS is a perfect phrase for this camera: "Keep It Simple Sweetheart."
October 07, 2016



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